At the news of Bro. Dave’s death last week I headed home from the revival meetings in Western Ukraine to be with Noline. At that point I had no heart to try and preach an enthusiastic message. We were both grief stricken, feeling out of touch and out of range from everything in the USA.
We did the next best thing and that was to pray for the family and friends of Pastor Dave. It was then in that soothing presence of the Lord Noline spoke almost authoritatively; “If you could speak to Bro. Dave right right now, he would say, ‘Neil, they need you in Western Ukraine, go back and preach Christ.’” I prayed and said, “Lord, I want at least one genuine repentant soul for Bro. Dave.”
I got up and made immediate arrangements to head back to Ivano Frankievsk, back to the revival meetings. Noline joined me on this trip. We walked to the center of our town last Saturday, caught a small bus called a “marshootka” to the subway outside of Kiev and headed to the train station for the overnight trip. We were picked up in the morning and taken to a service I was already scheduled to preach at.
That evening we had our once a month revival meeting; the house was packed. The glory of God came down and we all felt His presence in the worship. After preaching I told them I knew there was at least one person here who needed to accept Jesus Christ into their life. Please, unashamedly put your hand straight up and we will pray for you tonight. Revival Continues
Not one hand went up! There were four and many others needing a touch from Jesus. Thank you Lord; I personally wanted to pray for each one of them and invited them to the stage. They wept their way to salvation. The next day one of the young ladies who prayed came to visit and we had the privilege of simply explaining the New Covenant to her. How she could go to God 24/7 in prayer. She was ecstatic on what Christ had done and in a month she wants to be baptized.
These young people are for you Bro. Dave. Your heart and passion for the lost and the young people lives on. Your impartation of love for the souls of men and women has been embraced. Revival continues.
For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. (2 Cor 6:16 KJV)
Praise the Lord!! Thank-you Jesus!! You have my support in prayer